Cell Phone-less

My Story

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

I stood at the edge of the pristine beach, feeling the soft, powdery sand beneath my toes and listening to the rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves. It was the kind of paradise you see on postcards, a place I had been dreaming of visiting for years.

On the third day of my vacation, I set out on a snorkeling adventure. The anticipation of discovering the coral reefs and exotic marine life was like no other. My family and I joined a small group of fellow adventurers and boarded a sleek boat that would take us to the diving spot. As we sailed farther from the shore, the deep blue waters stretched endlessly before us. I geared up in a snug-fitting wetsuit, secured my mask and snorkel, and felt a rush of excitement building within me.

The boat anchored at a secluded cove, and I plunged into the crystalline waters, feeling the embrace of the ocean's gentle current. As I swam along the surface, I marveled at the array of colors beneath me. Schools of vibrant fish darted among the coral, and curious sea turtles glided gracefully through the water.

I was completely immersed in the beauty of the underwater world, every worry and stress from home left behind. Time seemed to stand still as I explored, and I soon lost track of how long I had been snorkeling.


Eventually, I decided to take a break and float on my back, basking in the warmth of the sun. I reached for my pocket, intending to check the time on my trusty phone. But as my hand searched for the familiar device, I was met with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. My phone was gone.

Panic surged through me, and I frantically retraced my movements in the water, searching for any sign of the lost phone. My fellow snorkelers joined the search, but the vastness of the ocean seemed to swallow my hope. My phone, with its photos, messages, and connections to the outside world, had vanished into the depths of the Pacific.

Despite the picturesque surroundings, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss. Back on the boat, I shared my unfortunate predicament with the snorkeling crew. They offered their sympathy but explained that the chances of finding a small device lost in the vast ocean were slim. I resigned myself to the reality that my phone was lost, and I tried to enjoy the remainder of the snorkeling trip, albeit with a heavy heart.


Returning to the shore, I felt disconnected from the world. I couldn't check messages, call for a ride back to the hotel, or capture the stunning scenery around me. It was a stark reminder of how dependent we had become on our digital companions.

Fast forward to a week later and I couldn't help but smile at the irony of it all. The very thing I had feared losing the most had led me to find something far more precious—the ability to be fully present in the moment and to appreciate the wonders of the world without the filter of a screen.