Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Cincinnati
Linear Algebra II (15-Math-352-001) Winter Quarter 2008

Textbook Introduction to Linear Algebra by Donald J. Wright General Syllabus Chapters4 thru 7.

Instructor Prof David A Herron 810b Old Chem Bldg
Office Hours M,W,F 11-12 556-4075
E-mail David.A.Herron "at"

This page is a work in progress!

Listed below is information regarding: the current week's hot topics, suggested problems, homework.

Your final {\bf Course Grade} will be based on a comprehensive final exam, two in-class fifty minute exams, and daily homework assignments. The relative weights given each of these are as follows: homework 20%, hour exams 50%, final exam 30%.

The two in-class tests are tentatively scheduled for the first and last Fridays in February: Exam 1 on Friday 1 February, Exam 2 on Friday 29 February.

The Final Exam is scheduled for 8-10AM Friday 21 March.

Please note that there will be NO make-up exams; if you must miss an exam for a valid reason, please see me before the exam.

Homework will be assigned daily and collected regularly. Each student must write up the assignments individually. However, I encourage you to talk to other members of the class or to ask me for help; but you must write up your own work. Late homework will not be accepted unless some prior agreement has been made.

3-7 Jan This week
10-14 Jan
17-21 Jan
24-28 Jan
23-27 Feb
31 Jan-4 Feb
7-11 Feb
14-18 Feb
21-25 Feb
28 Feb-4 Mar
7-11 Mar
14-18 Mar Final Exam Week

Here are suggested problems for each indicated section in the text book.

Here is the assigned homework with due dates.
Due Dates Page:Problem
7,9 Jan 186:3 186:10
12,14,16 Jan 194:15 213:5 223:5
21,23 Jan 260:6 227:5
26,28 Jan 224:8 260:8
4,6 Feb 289:7 289:8
9,11,13 Feb 330:1 Midterm 330:3
16,18,20 Feb 335:5
23,25,27 Feb 335:3 335:6 341:6b
1,3,5 Mar 348:4,5 348:8 366:4
8,10,12 Mar 366:7 366:8 370:4
17 March Final Exam 8-10
\medskip \noindent Please adhere to the {\bf guidelines} given below when writing your assignments. Work which does not meet these requirements will {\em not\/} be graded. \medskip %\noindent Exam solution keys, etc.\ will be made available. \noindent If you are {\bf seeking help}, there are Graduate Student Teaching Assistants on duty at the Mathematics Learning Center in Room 614 of the Old Chemistry Bldg (513-556-3069); see You can also see me directly after class, during my office hours, or by making an appointment. In addition it is possible to hire a private tutor; the main office has a list available and I will happily help you find someone. \bigskip \noindent Finally, here is some {\bf friendly advice}. I encourage you to get two notebooks for this course. Use one to write down class notes and problems which I work in class; do your homework problems in the other notebook. I think you will find it easier to study for exams if your class notes are not cluttered with your homework problems. I will go over as many homework problems as possible. However, mathematics is not a spectator sport; mathematical knowledge is not gained passively; you will not learn by osmosis; you must be an active participant in the learning process. This means that to learn the material you must work the problems yourself and practice constantly every day. You must work lotsa problems, as many as you can. Don't be afraid to work some of the problems over and over again, especially when you're studying for an exam. It is easy to fall behind; try to keep up with the course and seek help immediately if you have problems. It is a excellent idea to go over your notes as soon as possible after class! \bigskip \noindent Tuesday, March 4 is the last day to {\bf withdraw} from the class. %%======%% \newpage%% %%======%% \bigskip \noindent Please adhere to the following {\bf guidelines} when writing your assignments. Work which does not meet these requirements will {\em not\/} be graded. You should aim to produce solutions which would be easily understood by a classmate! \begin{enumerate} \item Late assignments will not be accepted. Assignments must be handed in {\em before} class on the day they are due. \smallskip\item Your work must be legible with your solutions clearly marked. Please provide a statement clearly indicating precisely what it is that you are about to do. When appropriate, label your statement as a \underline{Theorem} or \underline{Claim} or whatever. Write the word \underline{Proof}, and then give your proof. Throughout your proof, constantly tell the reader exactly what it is that you are about to demonstrate. Be sure to indicate the end of your proof. (I like to use a symbol such as $\Box$.) \smallskip\item What you actually hand in, your final finished version, should be as polished as you can make it. This probably means that you will have previously written up at least sketchy solutions. Please expect to do a fair amount of {\em rewriting}. \smallskip\item You will be graded on the proper use of mathematical terminology and notation, as well as the validity of your solution. However, please minimize the use of special mathematical notation. For example, the symbols $\forall$ , $\exists$ , $\therefore$ , etc.\ are not appropriate in the middle of a sentence. (These are suitable in `displayed' information.) \smallskip\item Please write using complete sentences which form paragraphs and so forth. I find it best to avoid long complicated sentences. All this is a judgment call --- the judgment of the grader. \smallskip\item Mistakes must be erased, not scratched out. It is best to use a pencil. \smallskip\item If your work fills more than one page, put your name on each page and staple the pages. Please turn in a neat stapled stack of papers. Your work should be done on standard (8.5 $\times$ 11 in.) size paper. If paper is torn from a spiral notebook, the edges should be trimmed. \end{enumerate} By following the above guidelines you will make it easier to grade your assignment. Remember, the grader is not able to read your mind, so try to be as clear as possible. It is a good idea to first work out the problems on scratch paper and then write up a final version. Again, please try to produce solutions which would be easily understood by a classmate. \bigskip \noindent The University Rules, including the Code of Conduct, and other documented policies of the department, college, and university related to {\bf academic integrity}, will be enforced. Any violation of these regulations, including acts of plagiarism or cheating, will be dealt with on an individual basis according to the severity of the misconduct. \end{document}