David A Herron
Here you'll find pictures of me pursuing my leisure time activities

Last December/January (2005/06) I traveled to India. Sometime I'll put some more pix here, but for now.....look at the ride I got on this big guy :-)

I'm an avid whitewater boating. Here I am surfing the put-in wave at Whiteoak Creek, which is a tributary of the mighty Ohio River; this is a pix of me at first ledge on Whiteoak. Here is some hole playing at the first ledge on Elkhorn Creek, a tributary to the Kentucky River. One of my boating buddys likes to carry a bunch of boats at times; I think he got 18 this time!

One day in the early spring of 2002 we managed to run several local creeks all on the same day. Here's the waterfall on Horner Creek; it's not nearly as gnarly as it looks, but I did almost flip! Here's the final drop on Horner. Next we paddled Brushy Creek, and then Stonelick, but I don't have any good pix of these.

From Cincinnati, the Big South Fork is perhaps the closest *real* whitewater river. We often paddle there in the winter and early spring. Here is a picture of the so-called Hand-of-God.

I also enjoy downhill and cross-country skiing. Every once in awhile I get to ski here in Cincinnati, like this time in Mt. Airy Forest, which I understand is the largest urban forest in the US (some 1500 acres). This picture was taken near the Little Miami River.

Back in December I went on my very first caving adventure. It was a lot of fun, altho it was a tight squeeze in a few places, like when I had to wiggle thru bare Bev's belly crawl. I was with my wife Tonya; several of the people we went with, including our guide, were way busy taking pictures like this artsy one.

My good friend Tom Uhlman is a great photographer and provides me with all these pictures! Check out his web site. Here's another one of Tonya standing next to a frozen waterfall, and finally a heron.