The Temperatures of Stars
What are two ways one can derive the temperature of a star? What is the order of the spectral types with respect to temperature and why are they not in alphabetical order? Why are certain atomic transitions seen in the spectra of some stars and not others?
ESSAY QUESTIONS The 5 point essay question will be one of the following:
1) What is meant by a Black Body emitter? Why do all known objects emit such radiation? What is absolute zero? Name and describe the two radiation laws and their relationship to temperature of an object.
2) Explain why the Sun develops increasing numbers of active regions with time, peaking every 11 years. Draw an active region on the sun, labeling the Sunspots, prominences and the location of the magnetic field in the diagram.
3) What is the 'Solar Neutrino Problem'? Explain what experiments were detecting versus theoretical calculations and why this was a problem. Describe the new physics discovered and how this solved the problem.