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Review Sheet for Test 1, January 17, 2002

What are the different kinds of light? Which has long wavelength? short? Which have the highest energy photons? lowest energy? What form of light has the highest frequency? What can we see with our eyes?
How are wavelength and frequency related? What is 'c'? What is the speed of light? What *is* light?
What are `atmospheric windows'? Which forms of radiation reach Earth's surface? Which don't?
What does `wavelength of maximum intensity' mean? How is this related to object temperature?
What happens to the maximum wavelength when I double the temperature of a star?
Which is hotter: A blue star or a red star? If the stars have the same radius, which is more luminous?
What happens to the luminosity of a star if I double its temperature? What is absolute zero (Kelvin)?
What is an isotope? What is in the nucleus? What elemental particle in an atom defines the element?
Know: Excitation, de-excitation, ionization, recombination and transitions using energy level diagrams.
Why do the spectra of different elements look different? What kind of spectrum is a Neon Light?
What kind of spectrum comes from a hot body? Why does the sun create an absorption spectrum?
What is the sun made up of? How has the elemental abundance changed in 5 billion years? Why?
How does one best see the Suns photosphere? Its chromosphere? Its Corona?
What drives solar activity? how are sun spots, flares, prominences and coronal holes related?
What is the sunspot cycle? what is the full magnetic cycle? why are they not the same?
How are sunspots different than the surrounding photosphere? (low temperature, high magnetic field)
What is the Zeeman effect? How is magnetic field important for understanding solar activity?
Know the four forces of nature. Which have infinite range? Which is important in fueling the sun?
What is a fusion reaction? What is fission? What's important about Iron (Fe) in fusion AND fission?
What is the p-p chain? what are the steps? What is the bottom line (what goes in, what comes out)?
Why does the p-p chain generate energy? This is related to the famous equation: E = mc2.
Where does hydrogen fusion occur in the sun? why there? what are coloumb forces?
What has helioseismology told us about our solar models? what's the solar neutrino problem then?
What is a neutrino? what do we know now about them that solves the solar neutrino problem?
How many stars can one see in a dark place? what is the milky way? where are stars during the day?
How does parallax work? What does it tell us? Why is distance important to measure in astronomy?
How much brighter is a 2nd (apparent) magnitude star than a 1st magnitude star? Or is it dimmer?
What relates a stars apparent magnitude (m) with its Absolute Magnitude (M)? What if m=M?
Stars A & B have the same Absolute Magnitude. Star A has a greater apparent magnitude. Star A is.. ?

Reading from text book: pages 11-13, 61-63, 88-95, All of Chapter 10, 238-244.