Telescopes, Page 18: [Previous Page] [Next Page] [Class Home Page] Textbook pages 83 - 108
1) Keck I & II.
Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

10-m, segmented mirrors. Keck I completed 1993, Keck II completed 1996. Owned by Caltech and the UCal system.

2) The Very Large Telescope.
Atacama, N. Chile.

4 x 8.2-m, solid mirror telescopes. VLT1 "first light" June 1998, VLT2 June 1999, VLT3 Jan. 2000, VLT4 not on line yet. Owned by European Southern Observatory (Consortium of a dozen countries, and not the U.S.).

3) Gemini Telescopes.
Northern site, Hawaii, Southern site, N. Chile.

Twin 8.1-m telescopes, one in each hemisphere. International consortium of 7 countries, U.S. gets 42% of the time. North saw first light in 1999, South saw first light in 2001.

Click HERE for Animation of Gemini Telescope..

4) Hobby-Eberly Telescope.
Davis Mtns, West Texas.

Segmented spherical, 9.2-m primary (uses a spherical aberration corrector). Kept at constant altitude of 55o, though can view +/-35o with diminished sensitivity. Full azimuth slew. Imaging occurs at prime focus. First light, 1999. Construction cost, just $14 Million. Owned by international consortium (UT, Penn, Stanford, Germany).