Page 2, Moon: Phases, Tides, Eclipses [Previous Page] [Next Page] [Class Home Page]

New Moon: the Moon is located between Earth and the Sun. The side of the Moon we see is facing away from the Sun and is dark.

Full Moon: the Earth is between the Sun and Moon. When we look up at the Moon in this orientation, it's entire surface is well lit. Why you would NEVER see a full moon up in the middle of the day?

Crescent (less than quarter) or Gibbous Moon (more than quarter) is seen between these two extremes.

Waxing means the lit portion of the Moon is growing towards being Full. (HINT: wax = build up). For Waning, the lit portion of the Moon is shrinking, towards being New Moon.

Is the Moon always visible during the night? How often is the moon visible at night?