
Course Notes for Robot Control



Jan. 20, 1998 Homework 1. Prove that any second order system with characteristic function of the form

ax2 + bx + c = 0 is unstable if a or b or c < 0

Hint: Routh-Hueritz criteria.


Jan 20, 1998 Homework 2. For the rigid pendulum with dynamic equation:

d2q/dt2 = T(t)/J -(D/J)d q /dt - (MgL/2J)sin q

Enter this non-linear system as a block diagram using MATLAB's Simulink.

For the parameters:

T(t) = 75 ft lb, D = 0.1lb sec, J = 4.27 ft lb sec2, W = Mg = 50 lbs, L = 3 ft,

determine the system simulated response. Turn in a copy of your block diagram and the output response.