Citing WWW and Electronic Sources

User be aware:

  1. APA, MLA, and Turabian are in the process selecting their preferred electronic format. The links offered below are interpretations of how to cite WWW sources and may or may not become the official way of citing WWW sources.
  2. Some fonts are difficult to detect italics. Be sure to check instructions on the use of italics, and underlining, as well as the elements to include.
  3. If more information is needed, check: Li, Xia and Nancy B. Crane's Electronic Styles. 2nd ed. 1996.

Listed below are Web sites for the major style manuals:

  • APA Style
    Follows recommendations on electronic formats recommended by the American Psychological Association.

  • MLA Style
    Includes the latest recommendations from the Modern Language Association.

  • APA & MLA Style
    This Site is useful for examples of both MLA and APA styles. For MLA check preceding MLA Style which updates changes which will occur in the 1999 edition.

  • Turabian, Chicago, AMA and other Citation Styles
    This site contains examples of citing WWW and other electronic sources in the Turabian style and other leading citation styles.

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Education and Criminal Justice Bibliographer,
University Libraries, University of Cincinnati