College and University Directory InformationCollege and University Home Pages LinksThe home pages of colleges and universities contain directory type information including:
Two frequently used higher education home pages sites are: College and University Home Pages. A world wide listing of college and university home pages which can be searched alphabetically and geographically. U.S. Universities and Colleges. splits institutions into 2 year and 4 year colleges with alphabetical and geographical searching.
College and University Directories Print Sources.Call numbers given are for the University of Cincinnati Langsam Library unless otherwise noted. An abbreviated citation style is used to save space.
United States.Gives:
HEP; Higher Education Directory Ref/QRS/ L901/.E34 Latest Edition in Reference Lists:
World of Learning. Ref/QRS/L901/.U6/W6 Latest Edition in Reference Includes telephone number, fax number, and postal address for:
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