Publishing Work in ERIC

ERIC Submission Forms for Publishing Work as an ERIC Document (ED) (Does not require an Adobe Acrobat Reader)

NOTE:Use these forms but if your work is not in the field of Special Education, mail to the appropriate ERIC Clearinghouse or ERIC Adjunct Clearinghouse

If you are uncertain which ERIC Clearinghouse to select, send forms to the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Getting a Journal Indexed in CIJE (Current Index to Journals in Education)

  1. Send copy of the journal requesting that it be indexed in CIJE to the appropriate ERIC Clearinghouse
  2. If uncertain which clearinghouse is appropriate, mail journal to the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

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Copyright © 1997, 1998 by Emily Grimm
Education and Criminal Justice Bibliographer,
University Libraries, University of Cincinnati