Spring 2004–05Ma 108c -
Classical Analysis |
Course Description:
This course serves as an introduction to standard complex analysis. Topics
to be covered include: Text: There are a lot of
introductory textbooks on Complex Analysis. We will use the book by
Stein and Shakarmi as our primary source of material. The authors assume
more than an average amount of familiarity with Real Analysis
techniques, and use this to dig deeper into the subject than most other
texts. The recommended text by Krantz and Greene has a more traditional
exposition and also contains numerous exercises at the end of each
section. Required: Complex Analysis,
by Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi, Princeton University Press, 2003.
ISBN: 0-691-11385-8 Recommended: Function
Theory of One Complex Variable, second edition, by Krantz and Robert
Greene, AMS Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 2002. Grading: The final grade
will be determined roughly on 50% of the problem sets, 20% of the
midterm exam, and 30% of the final exam. Homework Policy: You are
encouraged to speak with each other and work together on the problem
sets. However, everybody has to hand in their own write-up of the
assignment. Late homework will be accepted only if there is a prior
agreement with the instructor. Exams: All exams will be
take-home and must be entirely your own work. The only excuses for late
submission of exams that will be accepted are medical (with a note from
the Health Center) or personal difficulties (with a note from the Dean's
Office). |