Management practices viewed as a symbiosis of
hardware template and software
practices |
Bullfight critics ranked in rows |
Crowd the enormous plaza full |
But there is only one who knows |
He’s the man who fights the bull |
Identifying the elements of management is
critical to the successful outcome of any project |
One of the most important aspects in this
practice is recognizing that many projects have a identifiable,
consistent framework |
The management of a project usually consists of
five distinct, yet completely interdependent aspects: |
1. Command |
2. Operations |
3. Planning |
4. Logistics |
5. Administration |
Command requires that you clearly understand
what it is you want to do. |
Begin with the end in sight. |
A powerful document that expresses an
organization’s sense of purpose and meaning. It acts as a governing
constitution by which the organization evaluates decisions and selects
behaviors. |
The operation’s aspect requires that the manager
employ tactics necessary to the completion of the mission. |
Tactics are those actions that are: specific and
measurable. |
Look for the win-win in every situation |
In Planning, the practitioner must appreciate
the past, recognize the present and prepare for the future. |
First things First |
Seek first to understand then to be understood |
Logistics is the art of having the proper
staffing and supplies at the right place and at the right time. |
Seek synergy |
During the pre-operation period, every effort
must be exerted in determining the costs and needs of each and every
operation. |
In the post operations phase, every effort must
be exerted to review and improve the use of staff and resources |
Sharpen the saw |