- American Institute of
Graphic Arts
- Creating
High Impact Documents
Netscape offers information about various formats
for graphics and the basics of adding them to a Web page.
- Film, Video
Production, and Digital Video
- Macromedia
This Web site has information on key tools--Authorware,
Flash, Dreamweaver, including downloadable copies (time limited)--and a
of add-ons, links, and informative materials.
Programmers Tool Kit
- Movie Sound Clips
Great collection of movie sounds, but also has links
to sound tools and other sites with sound collections.
- Multimedia Authoring
Offers a wealth of information on authoring languages
and listservs, as well as links to multimedia centers, commercial
and downloadable sources for text, audio, graphics, 3D, video, and
Use the Search function to find information on specific tools; there is
wealth of materials on Authorware and Flash.