University of Cincinnati--ECECS Department
Introduction to EM Fields
Prepared by: Prof.Altan M. Ferendeci

Classification of Polarization
Plane Waves

The Electromagnetic Field polarization is defined in terms of the Direction of the Electric Field E. Through a simple equation, polarization definition can be generalized.

The Plane wave is assumed to propagate in the (+z) direction. The E and H fields lie in the (x,y) plane. It is understood that for each component of the E field in the (x,y) plane, there is an associated H field component. Therefore, in the explanation of the Plane Wave Polarization concept, H field is assumed to have similar properties as the E field.

An electric field of a plane wave can be written in general as

Equation 1

Here the angle f is an arbitrary phase angle between the x and y components of the electric field.

As a result of this equation, three basic polarization can be defined: