CSF Lipoprotein Proteome Watch:
Updated 8/31/2023

Lipoproteins in the central nervous system play critical roles in lipid transport and neuronal maintenance. These were commonly thought to be "HDL-like" particles that were dominated by APOE, rather than APOA1 as in the plasma. However, recent work is showing that brain lipoproteins are their own set of highly heterogeneous subspecies that vary from HDL size all the way up to large LDL-sized particles. To date, the total "list" of proteins comprising brain lipoproteins is relatively small as these particles reside in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-Lps) at 1/200th the levels of lipoproteins in plasma. However, the advent of new technologies that capture CSF-Lps coupled with the sensitivity of modern-day mass spectrometers will allow for deeper molecular profiling of these particles not previously possible. The purpose of this page is to capture the metadata on CSF-Lps to consolidate these reports and account for differences in instruments, sensitivity, isolation techniques, patient donors etc. To date, we compared some 9 different peer-reviewed proteomics studies that, 1) studied HUMAN cerebrospinal fluid and isolated lipoproteins by verified isolation techniques and 2) make the final proteomics identification data freely available to the scientific community. The identified proteins have been hyperlinked to the Uniprot Protein Knowledgebase so that the details and functions of each protein can be easily accessed.
The spreadsheet is in Excel format and is freely available to the scientific community.
We encourage you to use the list and cite it if you like. If you feel we have left something out, please contact John Melchior at Pacific Northwest National Laboratories. We will update the list as quickly and frequently as possible.