Cincinnati Symposium on

Probability Theory and Applications

The Cincinnati Symposium on Probability Theory and Applications 2009 will take place March 20-23, 2009 at the University of Cincinnati, and is part of a year-long research seminar in probability theory sponsored by the Charles Phelps Taft Research Center. The Symposium will serve as a forum for dissemination and exchange of ideas, questions, and approaches in some active research areas in probability theory, focusing on high impact areas chosen because of their scientific and practical interest as well as to their relationship with other fields. These areas are
  1. New advances in studying the structure of a stochastic process via a martingale approximation, connections to ergodic theory;
  2. Limit theorems and applications in statistics, finance, and statistical inference for random processes which may exhibit strong or long-range dependence, nonlinearity, heavy tails and other features;
  3. Probability Theory in DNA Forensics;
  4. Large-dimensional random matrices.
A unique feature of our symposium is a series of four talks by experts on forensic genomics. These talks will introduce graduate students and junior faculty to an emerging and exciting area of mathematical biology which relies on sophisticated probabilistic techniques. By combining together four fairly focused research areas, we also expect to foster interactions between specialists in limit theorems, random matrices, and the researchers who apply probabilistic methods to Forensic Genomics.