Banking Models

Suppose $B(t)$ is the amount of money in the account (or owed to the bank) at time $t$. Then $B(0)=B_0$ is the initial balance, and the rate of change of the balance is $$ \frac{dB}{dt}=r B(t)+m $$ Here
  1. $r$ is the interest rate under continuous compounding (nobody compounds continuously!)
  2. $m$ is the payment (or withdrawal, if negative) amount per unit of time under continuous payment (nobody pays continuously!)

Warning about units: 1 year = 12 months
Example: If the annual interest rate is 12% and someone saves 100USD per month, then the balance solves the linear and separable equation which depend on the choice of units of time.
$ \frac{dB}{dt}=r B(t)+m, \; B(0)=B_0$

DE Poll

Work out your answer on paper or using appropriate software. Then put your answer into Webex Poll.

A CCCH has a 5,000 balance on a credit card that carries 12% annual interest rate. The CCCH is making the minimal monthly payments of 25. Determine after how many years the CCCH will have a balance of 1,000,000=$10^6$ on this credit card. Put your answer into DE-Poll using two decimals
CCCH=Careless Credit Card Holder