T 1:00P 4:30P
Instructor: Dr. Jeff Bauer, Assistant Professor of Business
Phone: Office: 732-5257
24-HR Voicemail
Fax: 732-5304
Home: 753-9081
E-Mail: Jeff.Bauer@UC.Edu
Office Hours: T, Th 9:00A 9:30A, T 4:00P 6:30P, Th 6:00P 6:30P, or by appointment
Required Text(s)
Microsoft Excel 2002: Complete Concepts and Techniques (Comprehensive), Shelly, Cashman, and Quasney, Course Technology, ISBN: 0-7895-6279-0
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the application software Excel for business and computer programming students in the area of business spreadsheets.
Students will learn and apply the following concepts and theories:
2. Format and print a spreadsheet
3. Use Excel to answer
"what if" questions
4. Create and print graphs and
5. Create and use macros and
functions in a spreadsheet
6. Use Excel for object linking
and embedding
7. Apply Excel knowledge to
solve business problems
Spreadsheet Projects: A variety of spreadsheet projects will be assigned during the term. Many of them such as the Chapter Projects, In the Lab, and Cases and Places can be found in your text. These assignments will be supplemented by real-world problems for you to solve with a spreadsheet application. The real-world problems will tend to be less structured and a more realistic expectation of student abilities by employers.
Final Exam: A final exam will be given that will be a test of your knowledge of Excel and of your ability to design and create a worksheet. The exam will be comprehensive in nature to reflect the nature of the course. Students may use their book and any class notes to complete the exam.
Prerequisite: 34-CIS-177 Introduction to Information Processing
Materials: One box of ten (10) - 3.5" Diskettes, or One Zip Disk
The final grade will be determined as follows:
Chapter Projects ( 3 @ 25 points each)..................... 75 Points
In the Lab (10 @ 10 points each)............................ 100 Points
Cases and Places (10 @ 15 points each)................. 150 Points
Integration Feature.................................................... 25 Points
Real World Problems (3 @ 25 points each)............... 75 Points
Final Exam...............................................................
75 Points
Total 500 Points
The numerical average will be calculated by dividing total points by 5.
is a requirement of the course. If for
some reason you cannot attend a class, please let me know by using one of the
phone numbers (or other means) listed above.
Any assignments are due at the beginning of the
class period as indicated on the Course Schedule. Late assignments will be reduced at least one letter grade per class day at
the discretion of the instructor.
Assignments will not be
accepted one week after the due date has passed.
Consider this
class to be a call-free, beep-free, vibrate mode-free zone of silence.
exams will be given at the discretion of the instructor. The student must notify the instructor of the absence before the exam begins. If
proper notification is given, a make-up exam will be administered which may be
significantly more challenging than the examination given on the scheduled
policy as stated in the
current withdrawal policy of
with Disabilities: The policy of the University
of Cincinnati Clermont College requires students to self-identify and provide
proper documentation to the Director of the
The following plus/minus
grading system will apply:
92 - 100% =
A 91 - 89% = A-
88 - 87% = B+ 86 -
82% = B 81 - 79% = B-
78 77% =
C+ 76 72% = C 71
69% = C- 68 67% = D+ 66 62% = D
61 59% = D
- 58% and Under = F
Note: The course schedule and procedures are tentative and subject to change depending upon the progress of the class.
04/01 Introduction
to the Course and Syllabus Review
of uses of spreadsheets and other productivity software packages
Project 2 Pages 2.04 2.65
04/08 Project 2 (Continued)
In the Lab 1
Page 2.69
In the Lab 2
Page 2.71
In the Lab 3 Page 2.74
04/15 Cases and Places 1 Page 2.78
Cases and Places 2 Page 2.79
Cases and Places 5 Page 2.79 Create a graph to represent the data.
Real World Problem 1
04/22 Project 3 Pages 3.04 3.66
04/29 Project
3 (Continued)
In the Lab 1
Page 3.69
In the Lab 2 Page 3.72
05/06 Catch-Up
Cases and Places 2
Page 3.79
Cases and Places 3 Page 3.80
05/13 Cases and Places 4 Page 3.80
Cases and Places 5
Page 3.80
Real World Problem
05/20 Project 4 Pages 4.04
In the Lab 1
Page 4.57
In the Lab 2 Page 4.59
05/27 Project 4 (Continued)
In the Lab 3 Page 4.61
Cases and Places 1
Page 4.63
Cases and Places 3
Page 4.64
Cases and Places 5
Page 4.64
06/03 Integration Feature
Pages EI 1.01 EI 1.14 (After Project 6 in the text)
In the Lab 1 Page EI
In the Lab 2 Page EI
Real World Problem 3
Catch-Up and complete all
06/10 Final Exam Comprehensive
- from 9:45a 11:45a * Note the time of the exam differs from our regular
class time and make appropriate arrangements.
The above schedule and procedures are tentative and
subject to change depending upon the progress of the class.