The Family at Disney - Summer 2005
Alexander (Age 8) and his eightball golf ball
Kristina (Age 4) showing off her pigtails
Alex and Kristina ready to fly to Florida - Summer 2005
Kristina and her Snowman - January 2005
Alexander's School Play - Xylophone Player - February 2005
Alexander and his violin - Summer 2003
Alex and Kristina Summer 2003
Alexander and Mom - Summit Country Day
Alex and the WT All-Stars T-Ball Team - 2002
September 2002 - Several weeks post-dissertation and several months pre-triathlon/marathon training
May 2003 - 5 months of triathlon/marathon training and 40 pounds lighter
Contemplating my decision to compete in a triathlon at the transition area prior to the race
Done with the swim
Done with the cycling
Done with the run