T, Th 9:30P - 10:45P
Fax: 732-5304
Division Office: 732-5255
Office Hours: T 8:45A 9:30A, 3:10P 3:40P, Th 8:45A
9:30A, 2:00P 2:30P 5:10P 6:30P.
Other times by appointment.
Required Text(s)
Sales Force Management, Churchill, Ford, and Walker, Irwin/McGraw Hill, 7h Edition 2003. ISBN: 0-07-246648-0.
The fundamentals of job analysis and specification; the process of selecting, training, compensating, and supervising salespeople; discussion of the problems and methods; and the organization and administration of sales departments, and territories.
1. Understand the role of personal selling and sales management to the firm's overall marketing strategy.
2. Know the different types of sales jobs, the selling activities that exist and the steps in the selling process.
3. Understand the issues in organizing to serve national and key accounts.
4. Learn the importance of the sales forecast to the overall planning process.
5. Know the factors affecting sales force size and the techniques for determining sales force size.
6. Know the relationship between types of selling and personal and psychological characteristics.
7. Understand the procedures a sales manager or a company can follow in order to attract the kind of people who will be successful as sales representatives.
8. Understand the objectives of sales training, and incentive and compensation systems.
Assignments: The student is expected to read all
assignments prior to the class in which they will be discussed. He/she should be ready to participate in
class discussions and activities.
Research and obtain an article from any business
periodical (Sales and Marketing Management, The Wall Street Journal, Business
Week, Fortune, Inc. Magazine,
Entrepreneur, etc.)
2) A 3x5 or 4x6 card must be used
3) Attach the article or a copy of it to one side of the card
4) Highlight or underline topics discussed in the article which we have reviewed in class
5) Write or type your opinion of the issue on the other side of the card. Why is the issue important? What other issues need to be considered?
Case Analyses: Students will be assigned to a group. Each group will complete five (5) case analyses during the quarter. Some cases will be assigned and completed in class. Some cases will require additional work outside the classroom. Detailed information about the expectations for the case analyses will be provided during the term.
Exams: There will be three (3) exams during the quarter. Exam formats will be true-false, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and short essay. Exams will be given as indicted on the Course Schedule.
The final grade will be determined as follows:
Exam One (Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4) 100 points
Exam Two (Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10) 100 points
Final Exam (Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, and 16) 100 points
Case Analyses (5 @ 20 points each) 100 points
Attendance & Participation 50 points
Issue Summaries (2 @ 25 points each) 50 points
Total Points 500 points
The numerical average will be calculated by dividing total points by 5.
Attendance and
Make-Up Policy
Attendance is a
requirement of the course. The instructor should be notified in advance of
expected absences by using one of the phone numbers (or other means) listed
above. Make-up work will not be accepted without prior approval from the
All assignments
are due by the end of the class period as indicated on the course schedule.
Late assignments will be reduced at least
one letter grade at the discretion of the instructor.
Make-Up Exams
Make-up exams
will be given at the discretion of the instructor. The student must notify the instructor of
the absence before the exam
begins. Notification after the exam begins will result in the student receiving
a score of zero for the exam. The zero will not be dropped and will be figured
into the students final grade. If proper notification is given, a make-up exam
will be administered which may be significantly more challenging than the
examination given on the scheduled date.
The current
withdrawal policy of Clermont College will apply. The withdrawal policy for
this term is available in the Registration Office.
Cheating and
The policy as
stated in the University of Cincinnati Student Handbook will be enforced. A
copy of the Student Handbook is available in the Student Development (M103).
Students with Disabilities: The policy of the University of
Cincinnati Clermont College requires students to self-identify and provide
proper documentation to the Director of the Learning Center, Room 22, for
appropriate academic assistance.
Grading Scale
The following plus/minus grading system will apply:
92 - 100% = A 91 - 89% = A- 88 - 87% = B+ 86 - 82% = B 81 - 79% = B-
78 77% = C+ 76 72% = C 71 69% = C- 68 67% = D+ 66 62% = D
61 59% = D - 58% and Under = F
Week 1 Chapter One - An Overview of Sales Management
01/06 Chapter Two The Strategic Role of Selling and Sales Management
Week 2 Chapter Two - The Strategic Role of Selling and Sales Management
01/13 Chapter Three The Process of Buying and Selling
Case Analysis One Due
Week 3 Chapter Four Environmental Influences on Sales Programs and
01/20 Performance
Review for Exam One
Week 4 Exam
One (Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4)
01/27 Chapter Five - Organizing the Sales Force
Case Analysis Two Due
Week 5 Chapter Six - Demand Estimation and Sales Quotas
02/03 Issue Summary One Due
Week 6 Chapter Seven - Sales Territories
02/10 Chapter Eight Salesperson Performance: Behavior, Role Perceptions, and Satisfaction
Case Analysis Three Due
Week 7 Chapter Nine - Salesperson Performance: Motivating the Sales Force
02/17 Chapter Ten - Personal Characteristics and Sales Aptitude: Criteria for Selecting Salespeople
Review for Exam Two
Week 8 Exam Two (Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)
02/24 Chapter Eleven Sales Force Recruitment and Selection
Week 9 Chapter Twelve - Sales Training: Objectives, Techniques and Evaluation
03/02 Chapter Thirteen Designing Compensation and Incentive Programs
Case Analysis Four Due
Issue Summary Two Due
Week 10 Chapter Fourteen Sales Analysis
03/09 Chapter Sixteen Behavior and Other Performance Analyses
Review for Final Exam
Case Analysis Five Due
Week 11 Final Exam Tuesday, March 16th. 8:00A 10:00A (Chapters 11, 12,
03/16 13, 14, and 16)