Classroom Response Systems: Do they improve student performance, perceptions of performance or just student satisfaction?
Presented at the AURCO Conference, April 2006.

Teaching Economics to Undergraduates with Minds-On Exercises
Presented at the Lilly Conference, November 2001.  Longitudinal data has continued to be collected.  Final analysis will occur following winter quarter 2006.  Paper will be submitted to the Journal of Excellence in College Teaching.

Using Reorganizational Events for Career Enhancement
Published in the Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on Emerging Issues in Business and Technology, November 2005 with Co-Author J. L. Spencer.

Role Ambiguity and Role Clarity: A Comparison of Attitudes in Germany and the United States
Published in the Proceedings of the 2003 Midwest Academy of Management Conference, April 2003 with Co-Author J. L. Spencer.

A Longitudinal Evaluation of the Impact of Organizational Structure on Role Ambiguity and Work Group Performance
My Dissertation, August 2002.

Distance Learning:  A Student’s Perspective
Published in the AURCO Journal, April 2001.

Role Ambiguity:  A Review and Integration of the Literature
Published in the Journal of Modern Business, December 2000 with Co-Author P. R. Simmons.




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