T, Th 9:30A 10:45A
Fax: 732-5304
Division Office: 732-5255
Office Hours: T 9:00A 9:30A, 3:10P 4:00P, Th
12:30P 2:30P (2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month), and
Required Text(s)
Economics, McConnell & Brue, 15th Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0-07-249850-1.
An analysis of the economics of the business firm including such topics as: supply and demand; price determination under different competitive situations; and resource use rules for individual firms.
1. Recognize the basic economic principles/theories and discuss their application to current problems and events in the American economy.
2. Discuss the consequences of scarcity.
3. Analyze supply and demand curves/schedule and interpret the results of intersecting and shifting curves.
4. Calculate elasticity coefficients and evaluate their impact on the individual firm.
5. Calculate marginal utility and determine the optimal combination of consumption to maximize total satisfaction.
6. Calculate the cost of production and apply the market structure price to select the profit maximizing output.
Exams: There will be three (3) exams during the quarter. Exam formats will be true/false, fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice. Exams will be given as indicted on the Course Schedule.
Individual Application Assignments: There will be five (5) application assignments during the term. Application assignments are designed to provide the student the opportunity to demonstrate competence with the material though application of the concepts presented in class. Assignments will come from the textbook and outside sources and will be assigned throughout the term.
Group Debate Project: Each student will be assigned to a group and each group will be responsible for planning, researching, and presenting a debate topic. Additional details and an outline for this project will be supplied during the term.
The final grade will be determined as follows:
Exam One (Chapters 1, 2, 3) .. 100 points
Exam Two (Chapters 4, 7 (20), 8 (21)) . 100 points
Final Exam (Chapters 9 (22), 10 (23), 11 (24))
100 points
Application Assignments (5 @ 20 Points) 100 points
Debate Project 100 points
Total Points 500 points
The numerical average will be calculated by dividing total points by 5.
is a requirement of the course. If for
some reason you cannot attend a class, please let me know by using one of the
phone numbers (or other means) listed above.
Make-up work will not be accepted without prior approval from the
exams will be given at the discretion of the instructor. The student must notify the instructor of the absence before the exam begins. Notification after the exam begins will
result in the student receiving a score of zero for the exam. If proper notification is given, a make-up
exam will be administered which may be significantly more challenging than the
examination given on the scheduled date.
policy as stated in the
current withdrawal policy of
Students with Disabilities: The policy of the University of Cincinnati
Clermont College requires students to self-identify and provide proper
documentation to the Director of the
The following plus/minus
grading system will apply:
92 - 100% =
A 91 - 89% = A-
88 - 87% = B+ 86 -
82% = B 81 - 79% = B-
78 77% =
C+ 76 72% = C 71
69% = C- 68 67% = D+ 66 62% = D
61 59% = D
- 58% and Under = F
Week 1 Chapter 1 The Nature and Methods of Economics
Week 2 Chapter 2 The Economizing Problem
01/14 Introduction to Group Debate Project
Week 3 Chapter 3 Individual Markets: Demand and Supply
01/21 Library Date for Group Debate Project
Week 4 Exam One Chapters 1 - 3
01/28 Chapter 4 The Market System
Begin Research for Group Debate Project
Week 5 Chapter 4 The Market System (Continued)
02/04 Chapter 7 (20) Supply and Demand: Elasticities and Government Set
Week 6 Chapter 7 (20) Supply and Demand: Elasticities and Government Set
02/11 Prices
Week 7 Chapter 8 (21) Consumer Behavior and Utility Maximization
Week 8 Exam Two Chapters 4, 7, and 8 (Chapters 4, 20, 21 in hard bound)
02/25 Chapter 9 (22) The Costs of Production
Week 9 Chapter 10 (23) Pure Competition
03/04 Group Debates
Week 10 Chapter 10 (23) Pure Competition (Continued)
03/11 Chapter 11 (24) Pure Monopoly