T, Th 11:00A – 12:15P


Instructor Information

Instructor: Dr. Jeff Bauer, Associate Professor of Management and Marketing

Office:              Snyder Building 272C

Phone:              Office:  732-5257   24-HR Voicemail

                        Fax:  732-5304
                        Division Office:  732-5255

                        Home:  753-9081

E-Mail:             Jeff.Bauer@UC.Edu


Office Hours:       T/Th 9:00A – 9:30A, T 12:15P – 2:00P, Th 5:15P – 6:30P.  Other times by appointment.

Text Information

Basic Marketing:  A Global Managerial Approach, William Perreault, Jr. & Jerome E. McCarthy, Irwin, 15th Edition, 2004.  ISBN:  0-07-252523-1.

Course Description

A continuing review of the fundamentals of marketing structures, channels, and environments:  buyer and seller behavior, marketing management of product planning, pricing, distribution, and promotion.

Course Objectives

  1.   Understand the new-product development process and the product life-cycle.
  2.   Understand the differences between intensive, selective, and exclusive distribution.
  3.   Understand how retailers plan their marketing strategies and interact with channel members.
  4.   Know the advantages and disadvantages of the promotion methods that a marketing           manager can use in strategy planning.
  5.   Know the three basic sales tasks and what the various kinds of salespeople can be expected          to do.
  6.   Understand when the various types of advertising are needed.
  7.   Know what a marketing manager should consider when setting the price for a product.
  8.   Understand the link that marketing has to the other functions in the firm.
  9.   Understand, in detail, all of the elements of the marketing strategy planning process and the strategy decisions for each of the 4Ps.

Course Requirements

Reading Assignments: The student is expected to read all assignments prior to the class in which they will be discussed. He/she should be ready to participate in class discussions and activities.

Group Cases/Internet Project:  Cases detailing various marketing topics and an internet project will be assigned.  Groups will be formed during the second week of class.

Marketing Plan Project:  Each student will develop a marketing plan for a product or service of his or her choice.  The marketing plan must be typed and double-spaced with all sources properly cited.  The project should have a title page, be stapled in the top left corner, and include a table of contents.  More detailed information will be provided regarding this project during the quarter.  The project is due Tuesday, March 7, 2006.

Exams: There will be two (2) exams during the quarter. Exam formats will be true-false, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and short essay. Exams will be given as indicted on the Course Schedule.


The final grade will be determined as follows:

Mid-Term Exam (Chapters 10, 11, 13 - 15)                 100 Points
Final Exam (Chapters 16 - 21)                          100 Points
Group Cases (3 @ 25 each)                                           75 Points
Internet Project                                                   25 Points
Marketing Plan Project                                     200 Points

                              Total Points                                    500 Points


The numerical average will be calculated by dividing total points by 5.







Attendance and Make-Up Work

Attendance is a requirement of the course.  If for some reason you cannot attend a class, please let me know by using one of the phone numbers (or other means) listed above.


Any assignments are due at the beginning of the class period as indicated on the Course Schedule.  Late assignments will be reduced at least one letter grade per class day at the discretion of the instructor.

Cell Phones, Pagers, etc.

Consider this class to be a call-free, beep-free, vibrate mode-free zone of silence.

Make-Up Exams

Make-up exams will be given at the discretion of the instructor.  The student must notify the instructor of the absence before the exam begins. If proper notification is given, a make-up exam will be administered which may be significantly more challenging than the examination given on the scheduled date.

Cheating and Plagiarism

The policy as stated in the University of Cincinnati Student Handbook will be strictly enforced.  A copy of the Student Handbook is available in the Student Development Office.


The current withdrawal policy of Clermont College will apply.  The withdrawal policy for this term is available in the Registration Office.



Students with Disabilities:  The policy of the University of Cincinnati Clermont College requires students to self-identify and provide proper documentation to the Academic Director of Disability Services, Student Services Building for appropriate academic assistance.


Grading Scale

The following plus/minus grading system will apply:

92 - 100% = A     91 -  89% = A-     88 -  87% = B+     86 -  82% = B     81 - 79% = B-
78 – 77% = C+    76 – 72% = C       71 –  69% = C-     68 – 67% = D+   66 – 62% = D
61 – 59% = D -   58% and Under = F

Note:  The course schedule and procedures are tentative and subject to change depending upon the progress of the class.


Week of

01/03               Introduction to Course, Explanation of the Syllabus, and the Schedule Outline
            Chapter Ten – Product Management and New-Product Development

01/10               Chapter Eleven – Place and Development of Channel Systems
Case One

01/17               Chapter Thirteen – Retailers, Wholesalers, and their Strategy Planning
Library Orientation
Review of Internet Project

01/24               Chapter Fourteen – Promotion – Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
Case Two

01/31               Chapter Fifteen – Personal Selling
Internet Project Due

Review for Mid-Term

02/07               Mid-Term Exam (Chapters 10, 11, 13 – 15)
Chapter Twenty-One – Developing Innovative Marketing Plans

02/14               Chapter Sixteen – Advertising and Sales Promotion

02/21               Chapter Seventeen – Pricing Objectives and Policies
Case Three

02/28               Chapter Eighteen – Price Setting in the Business World

03/07               Chapter Twenty – Managing Marketing’s Link with Other Functional Areas
Marketing Plan Project Due
Review for Final Exam

The Final Exam will be Tuesday, 03/14/06 from 1:30p – 3:30p and will cover Chapters 16 - 21.