T/Th 9:00A – 11:40A




Instructor Information


Instructor:         Dr. Jeff Bauer, Assistant Professor of Management and Marketing

Office:              Snyder Building 272C

Phone:              Office:  732-5257   24-HR Voicemail

                        Fax:  732-5304

                        Faculty Secretary:  732-5255

                        Home:  753-9081

E-Mail:             Jeff.Bauer@UC.Edu


Office Hours:    Summer office hours by appointment only.


Required Text(s):


The Quality Toolbox, by Nancy R. Tague. Published by ASQC, 1995.


Course Description/Objective


To develop a working knowledge of the management (non numerical) quality tools in total quality management problem solving teams.


Course Requirements


Reading Assignments:  The student is expected to read all assignments prior to the class in which they will be discussed.  He/she should be ready to participate in class discussions and activities.


In-Class Projects/Tools:  Thirty-One (31) tools will be reviewed during the term.  Completion of the tools in teams will result in two (2) to ten (10) points being awarded to the team.  Attendance is necessary to successfully complete these projects.  Details will be provided during the term.


Quizzes/Final Exam:  There will be a total of two (2) quizzes during the quarter.  Quiz formats will be true-false and multiple choice.  The quiz schedule will be determined by the progress of the class.  The final will be a comprehensive overview of all of tools learned during the term.









The final grade will be determined as follows:


In-class projects/tools ………………………. 160 points

Quiz 1 ……………………………………….              10 points

Quiz 2 ……………………………………….              27 points

Final Exam…………………………………..   86 points


                                    Total Points                              283 points




























Attendance and Make-Up Work


Attendance is a requirement of the course.  If for some reason you cannot attend a class, please let me know by using one of the phone numbers (or other means) listed above.




Any assignments are due at the beginning of the class period as indicated on the Course Schedule.  Late assignments will be reduced at least one letter grade per class day at the discretion of the instructor.  Assignments will not be accepted one week after the due date has passed.


Cell Phones, Pagers, etc.


Consider this class to be a call-free, beep-free, vibrate mode-free zone of silence.  Repeated beeping offenses may result in a reduction of points for the course.


Make-Up Exams


Make-up exams will be given at the discretion of the instructor.  The student must notify the instructor of the absence before the exam begins. If proper notification is given, a make-up exam will be administered which may be significantly more challenging than the examination given on the scheduled date.


Cheating and Plagiarism


The policy as stated in the University of Cincinnati Student Handbook will be strictly enforced.  A copy of the Student Handbook is available in the Student Development Office.




The current withdrawal policy of Clermont College will apply.  The withdrawal policy for this term is available in the Registration Office.




Students with Disabilities:  The policy of the University of Cincinnati Clermont College requires students to self-identify and provide proper documentation to the Academic Director of Disability Services, Student Services Building for appropriate academic assistance.


Grading Scale


The following plus/minus grading system will apply:


92 - 100% = A     91 -  89% = A-     88 -  87% = B+     86 -  82% = B     81 - 79% = B-

78 – 77% = C+    76 – 72% = C       71 –  69% = C-     68 – 67% = D+   66 – 62% = D


61 – 59% = D -   58% and Under = F


Note:  The course schedule and procedures are tentative and subject to change depending upon the progress of the class.




Course Outline: Assignment points will be given at the completion of each tool. Quizzes and/or tests will be given periodically and announced.


The quarter will be devoted to mastering the group tools in the following order. The final examination will be given at the completion of the tools. A general introduction is available in the text on pages 1-33 and 218-19.


1.   Brainstorming - p. 71

2.   Brainwriting - p. 73

3.   Nominal Group Technique

4.   List Reduction - p. 181

5.   Multivoting - p. 195

6.   Benefits and Barriers Exercise - p. 63

7.   Affinity Diagram - p. 49

8.   Storyboard - p. 252

9.   Mission Statement Checklist - p. 191

10. Mission Statement Wordsmithing - p. 192

11. ACORN Test - p. 43

12. Continuum of Team Goals - p. 79

13. Contingency Diagram/Process Decision Program Chart - p. 76

14. Force Field Analysis - p. 142

15. Fishbone Diagram (Cause-and-Effect) - p. 132

16. Relations Diagram - p. 234

17. Top-Down Flowchart - p. 265

18. Flowchart-p. 137

19. Cost-of-Quality Analysis - p. 116

20. Critical-to-Quality Analysis - p. 120

21. Deployment Flowchart - p. 127

22. Matrix Diagram - p. 185

23. Effective-Achievable Matrix - p. 128

24. Is-Is Not Matrix - p. 172

25. Plan-Results Matrix - p. 220

26. PMI - p. 224

27. Requirements Matrix - p. 239

28. Requirements-and-Measures Tree - p. 242

29. Work-Flow Diagram - p. 274

30. Tree Diagram - p. 266

31. Why-Why Diagram - p. 271