MWF 10:00A – 10:50A
Instructor Information
Office Hours: MWF 9:30A
– 10:00A, T 4:00P – 6:30P, or by appointment
Text Information
Business – A
Changing World, Ferrell
& Hirt, McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2003.
Course Description
An introduction to the business areas of economics, management, marketing, accounting, and finance.
Course Objectives
1. Discuss business from a systems and
historical perspective.
2. Understand social responsibilities and
business ethics.
3. Review economic aspects of the global
business environment.
4. Identify the managerial process and the
internal structure and organization of firms.
5. Discuss motivation, leadership, group
behavior and aspects of human resource management.
6. Discuss the process of accounting and
describe the uses of accounting information.
7. Illustrate the marketing process and
product, price, and promotional strategies.
8. Understand securities and investments.
Issue Summaries: Each student is to prepare and
present two (2) issue summaries, which pertain to any business topic. The issue
summaries are due as outlined on the course schedule. The issue summary should
meet the following guidelines:
1. Research and obtain an article from any
business periodical (The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Fortune, Inc.
Magazine, Entrepreneur, etc.)
2. A 3x5 or 4x6 card must be used
3. Attach the article or a copy of it to one
side of the card
4. Highlight or underline topics discussed
in the article which we have reviewed in class
5. Write or type your opinion of the issue
on the other side of the card. Why is the issue important? What other issues
need to be considered?
Group Cases: Cases detailing various business topics will be assigned. Groups will be formed during the second week of class.
E-Mail Summaries: Each student is to submit a summary of each week of class discussions via e-mail. The summary should highlight topics discussed in class and raise any questions that you may have on the material covered. The e-mailed summaries are due by the end of the day each Monday for the previous week’s classes.
Exams: There will be three (3) exams during the quarter. Exam formats will be true-false, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and short essay. Exams will be given as indicted on the Course Schedule.
The final grade
will be determined as follows:
Exam One
(Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5)
Exam Two (Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9)
100 Points
Final Exam (Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16) 100 Points
Attendance and Participation 50 Points
Issue Summaries (2 Summaries @ 25 Points Each) 50 Points
Group Case Projects (5 Cases @ 10 Points Each) 50 Points
E-Mail Class Summaries
50 Points
Total Points 500 Points
is a requirement of the course. If for
some reason you cannot attend a class, please let me know by using one of the
phone numbers (or other means) listed above.
Any assignments are due at the beginning of the
class period as indicated on the Course Schedule. Late assignments will be reduced at least one letter grade per class day at
the discretion of the instructor.
Assignments will not be
accepted one week after the due date has passed.
Consider this
class to be a call-free, beep-free, vibrate mode-free zone of silence.
exams will be given at the discretion of the instructor. The student must notify the instructor of the absence before the exam begins. If
proper notification is given, a make-up exam will be administered which may be
significantly more challenging than the examination given on the scheduled
policy as stated in the
current withdrawal policy of
Students with Disabilities: The policy
of the University of Cincinnati Clermont College requires students to
self-identify and provide proper documentation to the Academic Director of Disability
The following plus/minus
grading system will apply:
92 - 100% = A
91 - 89% = A- 88 -
87% = B+ 86 - 82% = B
81 - 79% = B-
78 – 77% = C+ 76 – 72% = C 71 –
69% = C- 68 – 67% = D+ 66 – 62% = D
61 –
59% = D - 58% and Under = F
Note: The course schedule and procedures are tentative and subject to change depending upon the progress of the class.
09/22 Introduction
to Course, Explanation of the Syllabus, and the Schedule Outline
Chapter One – The Dynamics of
Business and Economics
09/27 Chapter
Two – Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Chapter Three – Business in a Borderless World
Assignment of Groups
Case One Due Friday 10/01
10/04 Chapter
Five – Options for Organizing Business
Review for Exam 1
Case Two Due Friday 10/08
10/11 Exam
One - Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5
Chapter Six – Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and
10/18 Chapter
Seven – The Nature of Management
Chapter Eight – Organization, Teamwork, and Communication
Case Three Due Friday 10/22
Issue Summary One Due
10/25 Chapter
Nine – Production and Operations Management
Review for Exam Two
11/01 Exam
Two - Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9
Case Four Due Friday 11/05
11/08 Chapter
Ten – Motivating the Workforce
Chapter Eleven – Managing Human Resources
11/15 Chapter
Twelve – Customer Driven Marketing
Chapter Thirteen – Dimensions of Marketing Strategy
Case Five Due Friday 11/19
11/22 Chapter
Fourteen – Accounting and Financial Statements
Issue Summary Two Due
11/29 Chapter
Sixteen – Financial Management and Securities Markets
Review for Final
Final Exam will be Wednesday, December 8, 2004 from 8am – 10am and will cover
Chapters 10, 11, 12 13, 14, and 16.