At some point in their thesis, all researchers will need to choose the specific method or instrument they want to use to gather the data needed to answer their research question, says the author of the https://thesisgeek.com/ blog. This choice and the key decisions that led to it are often written in a chapter on research methodology or design.
In reality, students choose methods and/or instruments they are familiar with or that they find ‘easy to operate’. Students prefer surveys and questionnaires. They may also use online survey sites such as Survey Monkey for their research. Students are often unable to give a clear answer when asked why they chose a specific instrument or method. For example, if a student said they chose this method to gather quantitative data about the usability Amazon site from 15-25 year olds, then the method and instrument may be appropriate. If they were looking to collect data on the opinions of older people towards equity release products, this instrument might not be appropriate. The nature of data collected in the second approach may make it unsuitable for older people, who are less likely than younger people to trust online surveys.
When choosing a research method, you should take into consideration the following criteria:
- It is important that the method chosen is suitable for your problem. Quantitative methods such as questionnaires and surveys are used to test hypotheses, establish facts, show causal relationships, and predict outcomes. Qualitative methods, such as open-ended questions in interviews, are used to understand and explore people’s behavior, actions, perceptions and views.
- You can demonstrate the veracity of a method by explaining how you have incorporated the results of previous studies into the design of your method. If you choose to use the same method used in previous or similar inquiries, or adapt a method previously used, then your choice is justified. You may, for example, have discovered a number of qualitative exploratory studies during your literature review. This would indicate that you should use this approach in your research. You may also want to mention that you have already explored the topic qualitatively and now wish to use a new method (e.g. You can also use a quantitative method to determine the scope, size, and time of a project. ).
- It is important to consider whether the method chosen can provide a convincing response to your research question (or hypothesis). Persuasiveness happens when your method contains relevant and correctly constructed elements. When you want to collect quantitative data you can use forced-choice survey questions. However, if you need qualitative data you may prefer to use open-ended interview questions.
- It is likely that you will need a quantitative approach to get a number if your question is, “How many people …”? “; or a qualitative approach if the question is, “What do people think about …”?”
- It is possible to replicate a study in several ways: directly (by repeating the same research in the same environment), indirectly (by doing the same research in a new setting), or revised (by re-doing a study that was deemed flawed, for example, in terms of the sample, the method, the analysis or the interpretation).
All research studies have the primary goal of answering research questions or testing research hypotheses that produce credible results. It is important to recognise that the worldview of your study or fieldwork will influence your methods, strategies, and data collection techniques.