Can Mindfulness Help People Struggling With Addiction?


Mindfulness is a practice of meditation or focused imagery that trains the mind to slow down, be present in the moment, and relax. Guided meditation or mindfulness can include focused breathing, guided imagery, and self-awareness sessions. Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools that can provide numerous benefits for individuals struggling with mental health and addiction issues. Here are some benefits of mindfulness and meditation for mental health and addiction recovery:

Reduced Stress

One way to help someone with an addictive personality or mental health condition is by reducing stress and practicing intentional relaxation exercises. Mindfulness and meditation can help individuals manage stress and reduce feelings of anxiety and tension. Since stress can be one of the largest contributing factors to relapse, this is very important. Over time, people who practice regular meditation can become less anxious and learn to stay more relaxed, even in stressful situations.

Improved Mental Clarity

Mindfulness and meditation can improve focus, attention, and cognitive function, making it easier to manage daily tasks. For people with mental health concerns, including addiction, performing daily tasks and being consistent with self-care can be a huge struggle. The inability to be consistent with tasks such as regular hygiene, shopping, cooking, and housecleaning can contribute to shame, frustration, and loss of motivation. All of these things can contribute to the addiction or make it hard for the patient to stay on the path to recovery.

Reduced Symptoms of Depression

Studies have shown that mindfulness and meditation can be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and increasing overall well-being. One way that mindfulness may help with depression is by giving the patient tools to think intentionally positive thoughts and by reducing anxiety and negative thoughts. 

Depression is a common comorbidity with addiction. Around a third of people with diagnosed depression will also develop an addiction. The relationship also works the other way, meaning that people with an addiction will often develop depression. By treating the patient holistically and helping them with all of their mental, physical, and spiritual needs, providers will have a greater chance of success and the patient will benefit more. 

Improved Sleep

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help individuals improve their sleep quality and quantity. Regular intentional mindfulness can help foster good sleep habits by helping people to relax. It can also help with insomnia and may be as helpful as other more invasive insomnia treatments. Mindfulness can naturally increase the level of melatonin in the body. Because poor sleep can lead to other struggles, such as irritability and low tolerance to stress, getting a healthy amount of sleep should be a goal of any person recovering from addiction.

Enhanced Emotional Regulation

Mindfulness and meditation can help individuals better regulate their emotions, reducing the risk of substance abuse and relapse. Emotional distress, depression, and stress can all lead to relapse or addiction, so regulating these feelings and learning how to process them can help reduce these risks.

Increased Self-Awareness

Mindfulness and meditation can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, making identifying and addressing triggers easier. It can also help people develop strategies for handling triggers when they happen. The more practice a person has in using their strategies, the better they will be at using them and the more natural they will feel. 

Reduced Pain

Mindfulness and meditation have been shown to reduce chronic pain and improve pain management, perhaps because they help the patient to become centered and focused in moments of pain, and help to cope with the common accompanying feelings of fear, frustration, or anger. Many instances of addiction are found in chronic pain patients who have accidentally become physically dependent on their medications. In these cases, managing and reducing pain can be an important step in helping to treat the person who is suffering from addiction. 

Increased Resilience

Mindfulness and meditation can help individuals develop greater resilience, making it easier to cope with difficult emotions and challenges. Because mindfulness forces a person to sit and become aware of their emotions and become present in the moment, it can help build healthy habits that can make them feel less stressed and traumatized by difficult situations. For people who have dealt with addictions in the past, stress and trauma can be triggers that lead to relapse. Increasing emotional resiliency can help prepare patients for these inevitable stressful life events and help shield them from relapse.

Improved Relationships

Because mindfulness can help a person be less stressed, sleep better, regulate their negative emotions, and improve impulsivity, it often results in improved relationships. Mindfulness and meditation may help individuals communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships with others. Healthy relationships are essential for people who are facing mental illness. 

Reduced Impulsivity

Mindfulness and meditation can help individuals develop greater self-control, reducing the risk of impulsive behaviors. At least one study has shown that people who were high in mindfulness skills were correspondingly low in impulsive behaviors. This may be because mindfulness and meditation help to train people in controlling their minds, actions, and thoughts. Reducing impulsive behaviors and helping people learn to control their thoughts may be beneficial in helping people to avoid addictive behaviors.

Increased Self-Compassion

Mindfulness and meditation can help individuals cultivate self-compassion and self-acceptance, reducing feelings of shame and guilt. When people participate in guided meditation that includes words of affirmation, it can help them internalize positive truths and ignore negative, intrusive thoughts. Mindfulness can also help people learn to be at rest with themselves, increasing their self-awareness and acceptance.

Improved Overall Quality of Life

Because of all of these things and more, mindfulness can improve the overall quality of life and support long-term recovery from addiction and mental health issues. Mindfulness practices can become a part of a well-rounded treatment plan which allows the patient to take a hand in their own recovery and develop personal skills that they can use in life. For any mental health patient, including those with addictive personalities, improving the quality and enjoyment of life is an important part of treatment.


Medication and mindfulness are becoming more accepted and mainstream within the mental healthcare community. These treatments can help practitioners care for the whole person and give a non-intrusive, positive, gentle tool that patients can do for themselves. However, mindfulness should be used as one part of an overall therapy and treatment plan, not as a stand-alone treatment.

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