Conference Program

Please check the link below to find the conference program.

Conference Program
IMPORTANT Please follow the presentation instructions below.

IRI 2021 will be held virtually and we need all the authors to prepare a video recording of your presentation and provide a DOWNLOADABLE LINK of your video presentation to this Google Doc before August 8th, 2021. This is a hard deadline.

Research/Industry/Workshop papers: ~15 minutes presentation + 3 minutes Q&As
Posters/Short papers: ~12 minutes presentation + 3 minutes Q&As

Please note that this does NOT mean you don't need to attend the session and present your paper -- you are still expected to attend the assigned session, present your paper in a live remote mode, and answer questions from the session attendees. The video recordings will serve as a backup in case there is a bad internet connection or other technical difficulty.

Failure in effort to present the paper live will also be considered as a NO-SHOW and your paper will be withdrawn from the final conference proceedings.

Please note that the file must be a video file (e.g., in MP4 format).