Getting Started with JavaTM Web Services Developer Pack 1.1

Introduction to the Java Web Services Developer Pack

The Java Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP) is a single download that contains key technologies that you can use to simplify building of Web services using the JavaTM 2 Platform. The technologies that comprise the Java Web Services Developer Pack are:

You can use this page to quickly deploy your own Web applications, start the Tomcat server, try out administration tools that come with the JWSDP, and see where to get the documentation that more completely explains how to use the technologies in the JWSDP. Note that all of the instructions on this page assume that you have already performed a "Typical" installation (installed all of the components).

Deploying Web Applications

To quickly deploy your Web applications, copy your Web archive (WAR) files to the <JWSDP_HOME>/webapps directory. When you start the Tomcat server, these applications will be deployed. See the Web Application and Tomcat Web Application Manager sections in the Java Web Services tutorial for more information about deploying Web applications.

Starting the Java WSDP

On a system running the Solaris or Linux operating system, go to the <JWSDP_HOME>/bin directory and execute the script to bring up the Java WSDP. On a system running Microsoft Windows, from the Start menu, select Programs, Java(tm) Web Services Developer Pack 1.1, and Start Tomcat. Once the server is up and running, point your browser to http://localhost:8080, the default port at which the process is running. The page that is displayed conatins linkd to several sample programs and administration tools.

Administration Tools

The Java WSDP includes administration tools, including the Tomcat Web Application Manager and the Tomcat Web Server Administration Tool. For each of these tools, you will need to log in using the user name and password combination defined when you installed the Java WSDP. The Tomcat server must be up and running to use these tools.

Tomcat Web Application Manager

Point to the following URL in your browser:


A list of all deployed applications, including any that you copied to the <JWSDP_HOME>/webapps directory, will be displayed. See the Tomcat Web Application Manager section in the Java Web Services tutorial for more information about using this tool to list, install, reload, and remove Web applications.

Tomcat Web Server Administration Tool

Point to the following URL in your browser to start up the Tomcat Web Server Administration Tool:


The Tomcat Web Server Administration Tool, also called the admintool utility, is used to configure the behavior of the Tomcat Web server container while it is running. See the Tomcat Administration Tool section in the Java Web Services tutorial for information about using this tool.

Accessing the Java WSDP Documentation

See the index page at <JWSDP_HOME>/docs/index.html for links to Java WSDP documentation. That page contains links to the API documentation for all of the technologies, release notes, and comprehensive reference documentation for all the technologies.

If you download and install The Java Web Services Tutorial over the Java Web Services Developer Pack, this index page will also contain a link to the tutorial.

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