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Running with GLUE
  UC ingot I had a few initial issues:
    • When I initially installed GLUE, it gave me a lot of trouble about the license file not being in the classpath.  I had to open the jar, add it manually, and re-save the jar.
    • GLUE did not like the WSDL link, for some reason.  So I copied the file locally and it worked.
    • I got a few "ClassDefNotFound" errors.  So I had to add a few JARs to my classpath, including GLUE-STD.jar and j2ee.jar.
    • Since I copied the file locally, GLUE generated a file:// url for one of the generated classes.  It did not properly escape the '\', however, so I had to alter it by hand.
    • Once I had the classes, I had to put jnet.jar and GLUE-STD.jar in my IDE's classpath to compile.  I also had to import electric.registry.Registry.
    • But in the end, it did work.
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