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  UC ingot The final version of my config.xml file follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration xmlns="">
 <service name="Chat_Service" targetNamespace="" typeNamespace="" packageName="chat">
     <interface name="chat.Chat" servantName="chat.ChatImpl"/> 

  • Description:
    • Top line: meta-information.
    • configuration tag: Not sure what that URL is.  I went there and got a file not found message.
    • service: the name of the service.  I did not change the targetNamesace or typeNamespace.  But perhaps I can alter these to be specific to my machine.  I changed the package to chat.
    • interface name is the name of the Chat interface, plus its package.  servantName is the name of the class on the server that implements Chat.
    • Close tags.
 What was Generated