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Planning our Enhanced XML with DTD
  UC ingot Let's start with a simple DTD file with the element tags we described before.  Once you have that working, go ahead and add the attribute tags.
  • We need to make a few changes to our program as well.
    • Set validaton on by passing the boolean true to the setValidating method of the DocumentBuilderFactory.
    • Also, pass true to the setIgnoringContentElementWhitespace method of DocumentBuilderFactory.
  • Now we need to make an error handler class, in case the parser throws an Exception.  
    • This error handler must implement interface ErrorHandler, and provide definitions for its methods.
    • It can be a public class if you wish, but an inner class will be fine for our purposes.
    • Once you have created and instantiated this class, you must add it to the DocumentBuilder with the setErrorHandler method.
  • In the DTD line of the XML file, the word that follows DATASOURCE must be the root element of the file.  

  • <!DOCTYPE database SYSTEM "datasource.dtd">
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