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Digital Signatures
  UC ingot Digital signatures authenticate a message.  They tell us:
    • That the message was not altered.
    • Who the author is.
  • Digital Signatures use public key cryptography.
    • The author of a message has the private key.  Access to this is restricted to the author.
    • However, the author can send the public key to anyone.
    • Though these keys are mathematically related,  one cannot be derived from the other.
    • Only the private key can decrypt messages from the public key, and only the private key can create messages for the public key.
  • Two common algorythms exist.
    • DSA, or the Digital Signature Algorythm, is included in the package.
    • RSA, named after its authors, can be purchased.
  • You must provide the algorythm with a random number generator.
    • Class Random is not random enough.  It is based on the computer's clock.  Class SecureRandom is usable.  That is, its use has not been disproven.
    • You should provide SecureRandom with a seed number.  If you do not, it will generate one.
  • You can use class KeyPairGenerator to generate a KeyPair object, which contains a  PublicKey (or DSAPublicKey) and PrivateKey (or DSAPrivateKey) based on your random number generator.
  • Then you can use the Signature class to sign and verify messages.
    • On the signer's side:
      • getInstance gets an instance of the Signature object with the given algorythm.
      • initSign prepares the Signature object for signing.
      • update sends bytes to the Signature object, similar to MessageDigest.
      • sign returns a byte array representing the signature.
    • On the receiver's side:
      • initVerify uses the public key to prepare to verify the message.
      • update accepts the message as a byte array.
      • verify returns a boolean stating whether the signature is valid or not.
  • Sometimes, you may want to add third party verification.
    • You need to make sure that you're not being spoofed by the person giving you the public key in the first place.
    • Companies like Verisign specialize in this.
    • You can get third-party authenitcated signatures in a number of different security levels.  The more secure, the more the signer has to pay.

    Exercise (save for later): Use Signatures to send messages with RMI.