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Message Digests
  UC ingot Message digests use an algorythm to compute a value, often a hash value, based on the bytes of a file, usually composed of a jar, bytecode, or binary.
  • We can then compare the digest value on the client with the digest value generated from the source of the program.  
    • If they are equal, then we can safely say the code has not been altered.  If they are not equal, then we should not run the program.
    • Though there is statistical probability of having two different files with the same value, this probability is remote.
  • For digests to work, two properties must hold true:
    • Changing the file changes the digest.
    • A forger cannot change the file and still have the same message digest as the original.
  • In Java, our message digests can use two well known algorythms:
  • We can use class MessageDigest to compute the fingerprint of a bytestream.
    • You can use the static getInstance method to get an instance of the MessageDigest class, and you can specify the algorythm you want to use.
    • Send either a byte or byte array to the update() method of MessageDigest.
Using class MessageDigest