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  UC ingotA verifier makes sure that a class loaded is not malicious.  It repeats many checks that the compiler runs as well.  Why?  Because anyone can write a Java Compiler, like IBM's Jikes compiler.  Thus, anyone can write a compiler that creates malicious code, so the class files should be double checked.
  • The verifier makes sure that...
    • variables are initialized before use
    • method calls match types of object references
    • private data rules are not violated
    • local variable accesses are within the runtime stack
    • runtime stack does not overflow
  • The book has an example of making a quick Java class that violates these rules. But this is actually quite a detailed process, so we'll skip it.  But, if you find this process interesting, feel free to run through the example on pages 873-877.
 Security Managers, Permissions