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The description of the XML service.

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This is an XML file that describes the web service.  Usually, you can use some type of XML software to generate the WSDL.  But we'll take a quick look at it just so we know what it is doing.
  • <wsdl:types> describes non built in data types, such as Lists.  This is only required if such data types exist.
  • <wsdl:message> A request is one message, and a response is another.  The arguments of a method call are each parts of this message, and the return is one part of the result method, or empty if the method returns void.
  • <wsdl:portType> This relates to a class or interface in Java, which may contain multiple messages.  These messages must be defined previously in the WSDL document.
  • <wsdl:binding> This corresponds to a port type using a specific protocol, such as GET or POST.  There must be one binding for each protocol supported.
  • <wsdl:service> A service is a collection of ports.  A port represents the availability of a binding at a specified endpoint.