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Make a Quick & Dirty with Apache Tomcat
  UC ingot Let's make a quick and dirty database connection with JSPs and Apache Tomcat.
    • If you wish, make this a JSP, Servlet, or even a Swing application outside of Tomcat.  Do what is comfortable to you.  I'm going to try a JSP because it's not too difficult.  It's quick and dirty because we are not going into the details of a JSP.  But, if you have not had exposure to JSP in the past and have any questions about the process, please let me know.
  • Steps (not confirmed)
    • Install Tomcat 4.x.
    • Make a new directory under webapps with the name of your app.
    • Create a web-inf folder under that, put a web.xml file in it with the bare minimum tags.
    • Create your JSP in the application directory.
    • Make a lib directory off of WEB-INF, put Connector/J in it.  (First test: use AT 4.0, then lib.  Move this to app lib when proven.)
    • Put the connection statements in your JSP page.
      • Import the appropriate packages: java.sql and the like.
      • Put in the connection statements (explained in detail in further slides).
See the JSP Source that I used, along with a screen capture of the output.