I work as an Associate Professor of Information Technology in the School of Information Technology within the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Health Services at the University of Cincinnati.
I'm a Cincinnati native and have lived in Cincinnati all my life. I like the city and appreciate that it has most of the same pleasures, sub cultures, and resources as one would find in a larger metropolitan city. I suppose though that it is a bit more conservative than I prefer. Like many folks, I'm concerned about the social issues I see around me: poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, and the corruption and usurpation of our democratic process.
However, I'm actually very thankful for the richness of my life. My three dogs and I have a nice home, here in Clifton. I can easily walk to work. I have a very rewarding job. I love teaching and feel that I have a positive impact on the world and the students that I interact with. I often learn more than they do in my classes as well as learning from them.
I love physical crafts. I'm an ardent smith and woodworker as well as a master knitter. I'm interested in hobby robotics and the technologies that I teach.