J Barry Maynard

Professor of Geology

Research career focused on the chemistry of metals at the Earth’s surface, with prinicpal focus in recent years on Mn, Fe, Cu and Pb. Systems studied include Mn-Fe ore bodies, constructed wetlands treating mine drainage, slope stability problems, and corrosion scales in drinking water systems.


Department of Geology

University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati OH 45221-0013



Mail: P.O. Box 210013. Cincinnati OH 45221 USA

Courier: 500 Geology/Physics Building, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH 45221


2625 NE 16th Ave

Portland OR 97212




Retirement event April 2, 2015.

My Remarks -  PDF version


Research - Environmental Science


Corrosion scales in water distribution systems

The minerals formed in iron, copper, and lead pipes of urban water systems have many parallels to those found in supergene enrichment of ore deposits. Therefore understanding the geochemical behavior of ore bodies can provide important insights into the performance of distribution systems under changing conditions. Of particular concern are releases of lead. In older homes, it is common to have lead service lines connecting the house to the water main, and these can release signifcant lead into drinking water. Homes without lead services also can have high lead, much of which comes from leaded brass used in faucets and fittings. Important steps to take to reduce lead exposure are first have the water tested. If any lead is detected ask your water supplier if you have a lead service and if so, replace it. Always discard the first cup or so of water from any faucet. If the water has been standing more than an hour or so, flush several quarts. Carbon-based filters that attach to the faucet are very effective at removing lead.

See also Constructed Wetlands for Treating Acid Mine Drainage

Research - Economic Geology

Sedimentary ore deposits

Chemical processes at the Earth's surface, today or in the distant past, have produced major accumulations of Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, U, and Zn. These accumulations provide one of our most important records of the evolution of our atmosphere and oceans.

Also associated with these deposits is a legacy of environmental problems, most commonly acid mine drainage, which is widespread in coal mining areas both from active and abandoned mining operations. Another hazard associated with mining is failures of talings dams and waste piles, oten with multiple fatalities. Prominent examples are Aberfan, Buffalo Creek, Stava, and Azanalcollar.

Other topics

Geology of Cincinnati


Cincinnati, the Queen City of the West, is an old river town that straddled the political boundary between free and slave states. It sits at the geological boundary between glaciated and unglaciated terrain, a situation that produced steep hillsides carved into soft rock. Once confined to the alluvial terraces along the Ohio River, hemmed in by steep hillsides, the City spread onto the hilltops in the late 1800s, which began a conflict between real estate development and landsliding that continues today.

The Miami & Erie Canal

A prominent feature of Cincinnati for over a hundred years was the Miami & Erie Canal, now largely a fading memory with few physical remnants. It played a dominant role in the development of Cincinnati as a transportation center, and it holds records of life in Cincinnati from 1825-1925. Chief among these is a record of intense pollution by heavy metals.

New Orleans

The interaction of sedimentation and crustal deformation have created a city site uniquely vulnerable to flooding. Painful lessons were imparted by Hurricane Katrina, one of the worst natural disasters in US history, and the city still struggles to recover. The failures of the levee system in New Orleans can be attributed to several different engineering mistakes, but all share a common failure to fully incorporate the site geology into engineering designs.

The Cascades

 Fundamental geologic processes of crust formation, sediment production, and landscape evolution under glacial and non-glacial conditions are abundantly displayed in the Cascade Range within ready access of major metropolitan areas. Moreover the mountains present severe geologic hazards for the surrounding communities, making them an ideal laboratory to study the issues of living in harm's way. Follow the links on a virtual field trip to this exciting arena.

Van Bemmelen on volcanoes

In 1951, the famed Dutch structural geologist R W van Bemmelen published a small book on the volcanoes of Indonesia, with special attention on Krakatoa. This work is not often seen today, but it contains wonderful illustrations by L.J. Eland. We reproduce these here along with translations of their captions. Click on the images for larger versions.