Welcome to my home page. I am Associate Professor Educator at the School of Public and International Affairs, University of Cincinnati. I also supervise SPIA's Internship for Academic Credit program. For more info see the SPIA internships page. During 2015-2019, I also served as Director of Undergraduate Studies. If you have questions related to academic programs and advising, please visit the SPIA's undergraduate programs page.
My office hours during AY 2023-24 are:
Fall 2024 (August 26 - December 7, 2024): office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:15-12:15pm remotely or in person in CCH 5114. To set up an appointment, please click here or send me an email. To connect via Zoom go to my personal room: https://ucincinnati.zoom.us/j/3433649636. Note that Summer 2024 office hours will only take place from June 20 thru August 3, 2024 on Mondays from 2-4pm EST or by appointment via Zoom (see link about my chat room above).
Spring 2025 (January 13 - April 25, 2025): in-person office hours Wednesdays and Fridays 10:45-12:15 pm or by appt in person or via Zoom (see information above).
If you need to contact another POL and INTA advisors, check their office hours and contact information here. Note that advisors may be unavailable to meet during Winter and Summer breaks.
If classes are unable to meet due to weather conditions, please consult with the instructor's policy and visit the university's weather and natural disasters plans and policies for more information about rules and expectations. Detailed instructions and recommendations related COVID-19 policies, procedures and requirements can be found on the university's page explaining campus safety measures. Note that the information posted online will update as the situation with the pandemic changes, so make sure to review the university website dedicated to public health.
If you are a student who plans to ask me for a letter of recommendation please click here for detailed instructions. Master's students who need a reader for their MA thesis or professional paper should click here for more information about my rules and expectations.
During 2024-25 academic year I will be offering the following classes at UC:
Summer 2024: POL 1080 Introduction to IR (Session B, online)
Fall 2024: POL 2077 Politics of Europe (online)
POL 4090 Internship Practicum (experiential learning class)
Spring 2025: POL 1080 Introduction to IR (in person)
POL 2097 UHP Seminar: Int'l Institutions (in person)
POL 4090 Internship Practicum (experiential learning class)
For further details on these courses, please visit Canvas.
I have taught at University of Cincinnati, Georgetown College and Muskingum University where I taught a variety of introductory, upper level classes and graduate seminars in International Relations (IR) and Comparative Politics. These include: Approaches to International Relations; Politics of Europe (Western and Eastern); Alliances in International Relations, International Conflict, International Cooperation & Institutions, International Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy. I lead a study abroad program to Brussels, Belgium and The Hague, the Netherlands, and have also offered at UC Graduate courses in IR.
My primary areas of teaching and research interests are international relations and comparative politics with focus on international security, inter-organizational cooperation, alliances and NATO politics. Also, I am interested in European and Middle Eastern politics (especially patterns of social and economic transition) and various aspects of democratization, political development and economic growth. My book entitled "Transforming NATO: New Allies, Missions, and Capabilities" was published by Lexington Books/ Rowman & Littlefield (2011, paperback 2013; Chinese edition 2014). I am currently working on a new book project that studies organizational response to emerging threats by comparing NATO and the EU's handling of peacebuilding, cybersecurity and energy security. I have recently published an article on the use of interactive platforms (such as Echo 360) and supplemental instruction in large enrollment classes. The findings are described here and the text of article can be accessed here.
This page is intended to provide information about my teaching experience and research interests; it contains information about the classes that I have taught or will be teaching, articles that I have published, and papers that I have presented.
My latest work related to the conflict in Ukraine was published by the Baltic Journal of Law and Politics. Here is a link to the full article:
Resilience and Vulnerabilities Related to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: The Emergence of a New Club of NATO and EU Members
My past research has been featured in UC Magazine (August 2013). Click here for more information.
For recent updates and additional information about my current research and publications, please visit my UC faculty profile page. I hope you will find this page informative. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to send me an email. Thank you. |