University of Cincinnati

Christmas Party 1961

ÒAllÕs Well That EndsÓ

A play in ½ Act – with occasional footnotes



-In no special order (why bother?)

Fastidious FrankÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ..É. (A Paleodontist)

Karpoid Eurypterid CasterianÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ(Obviously a Greek)

Peri GlacialÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ...(A Landscape Photographer)

Lucy RedcoatÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ.(A Landscape PhotographerÕs Model)

Harvey SubstageÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ..(A Former Structural Geologist)

Turbid SwiftÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ...(An Organization Man)

Esper LirconÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ..(A Famous Field Geologist)

Willard ReplacementÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ..(A Harvard Type)



Papa JenksÕ Hydrothermal Noodle Soup: Savory sulfides mixed with Tangy Tuffs – Take a can into the field.

LennyÕs Secondhand Merchandise: Special! One carload lot of miscellaneous equipment (all real good science stuff) Found Oct 26th, 9:00 AM, 4004 BC.

Fastidious FrankÕs Leather Shop: Dealers in Exotic Briefcases

Richard H. Durrell for President of Friends of the Pleistocene (Ad sponsored by the Enemies of the Pleistocene).



AllÕs Well That Ends

( A play in ½ acts – with occasional footnotes)

Players are introduced by M.C. (Individually) – Turn to give audience view of sign on back Take seats (Individually) – After all seated (Except Sunderman and Koucky, who enter later)

Jenks: Well it looks like everyone is here.

Larsen: No, Fastidious isnÕt here yet – wait – here he comes (Looks offstage)

(Enter Koucky, no sign, coat chalked up, many cigarettes, briefcase)

Koucky: Hello. (Unloads briefcase) (Everyone stares – Koucky takes seat)

Jenks: Well, how did everyone enjoy the convention?

All: Mumble, grumble, etc.

Larsen: IÕll have to look that question up.

Durrell: How about you, Will?

Jenks: Fine, until the house detective caught me smoking in the ventilation shaft.

Schmidt: What were you doing in the ventilation shaft?

Jenks: I was looking for the Penrose and Day medals.

Durrell: How did he ever find you?

Jenks: IÕm sure J. Tuzo Wilson turned me in.

Larsen: Unh-uh. Arie would never do a thing like that.

Koucky: Say, Turbid, what did you think of that paper on sedimentary sulphides?

Schmidt: I thought it was fair.

Jenks: (with a typical grin) ROOOOOOOAAAARRRRHHH!!! (leaps at Schmidt and stabs him) Viva hydrothermal solutions! (in Spanish)

Koucky: Karpoid, as I came in I passed a fellow in the hall who was screaming something about you stealing his carpoids and other figured stones.

Caster: Did you happen to catch his name?

Koucky: I think he said his name was James Hall.

Schmidt: Say, just what IS a carpoid anyway?

Caster: (annoyed) Why itÕs a shelter for small cars. (pause) which reminds me, do you know what a paleontologist is?

Schmidt: Sure, itÕs a biologist who canÕt stand blood.

Caster: (head on table, moaning) I give up, I give up.

Lucy: (offstage) Peri, I still think itÕs Wisconsin. Why donÕt you think so?

Durrell: IÕll send you a ten-word telegram about it.

Lucy: For that you get a zero for today (throws coat at him).


Larsen: Uh, before we start the meeting, IÕd like your opinion on an idea of mine. (someone brings in Òpaper now in progressÓ sign; Phase diagram and equation bit; he writesÉ) 3M plus AP/e of m (mu) equals mc squared.

(someone asks interpretation)

Larsen: Three martinis plus Arie Poldervaart on evolution of magma mass confusion squared.

Koucky: And how would the presence of zircons affect this?

Larsen: Uh, let me study that a while.

Koucky: Here, look it up in my magic book (produces Mickey Mouse book)

Jenks: Viva hydrothermal solutions (in Spanish).

Schmidt: Gentleman, I hate to leave but I have some important matters to take care of down the road. (Leaves with knife sticking through him).

Sunderman: (shouts after him) admit it Swift, youÕre Daylighting again.

Durrell: Harvey, why do you have all that money stuffed in that bag and in your pockets?

Sunderman: Peri, you should know by now that IÕm a lumper, not a splitter.

Durrell: I know, I just thought IÕd stir you up.

Sunderman: Karpoid, youÕre going to be late for your engagement, and you know Tappe wonÕt give you a ticket refund.

Caster: Yes, no doubt about it. Well, excuse me men. I have a luncheon to attend at the Hotel Metropole. (exits)

Jenks: Fastidious, have you returned the communications equipment to the GSA yet?

Koucky: (drawn out) WwwwellllllÉ.no. IÕm still stripping them for parts.

Durrell: Say, Will, what does that ÒHÓ on your sweater stand for?

Jenks: (stands up, points proudly toÓHÓ) Hydrothermal solution. Viva hydrothermal solutions! (in Spanish)

Larsen: IÕm going to turn in that list of equipment we need to that nasty old NSF man. Does anyone have anything to add to it?