Astronomy Test 4 Review: [Class Home Page]

Review for Test 4, Wednesday, December 10th, 8 AM, 2003

The exam covers Text book (Hartmann & Impey): Pages 228 - 269

For 35 Multiple Choice and 5 True/False Questions
1) What properties do Uranus & Neptune share with the other Gas Giants? Which not?
2) How did U & N form? What is their internal structure? Do they have magnetic fields?
3) What's weird about Uranus' rotational axis? How are the seasons compared to Earth?
4) How where Uranus and Neptune rings discovered? How are Neptune's rings kept in arcs?
5) What is in the atmosphere of U & N? Why are they blue? Why are there no bands on Uranus?
6) What's unique about Miranda? What's unique about Triton? Nereid? Both their orbits?
7) Which scientific satellites visited Uranus? Neptune? Pluto? What's currently planned?
8) What's the case that Pluto isn't a planet? What solar system objects does Pluto resemble?
9) What is Charon? What's unique about the Pluto-Charon orbit? What's their composition?
10) Know a meteor from a meteoroid from a meteorite. What are the five kinds of meteorites?
11) Which meteorites are most common? Where do they come from? Why do we think this?
12) What are chondrules? Who has them? What does it say about the history and heating?
13) What are volatiles? Widmanstatten Patterns? What does it say about the heating history?
14) Are all asteroids round? Why not? Where are most found? Where else are they found?
15) What is an NEA? A Trojan asteroid? Where do they live? What is a Lagrangian point?
16) What IS the asteroid belt? When did it form? Why didn't it form a planet there?
17) What is differentiation? If asteroids are all rock, why do they have low densities?
18) Why must comets be temporary objects in the inner solar system? What are they made of?
19) When do comets get tails? Why? What is the tail made of? What direction is it?
20) What are the two parent sources for comets? Which are long period, which are short?
21) What unique orbital characteristics are found in long period comets? Short period comets?
22) What is the size and distribution of the Oort Cloud? The Kuiper Belt?
23) Have objects been detected in the Oort Cloud? Why/Why not? In the Kuiper Belt?
24) Have comets or asteroids ever hit Earth? How often? Where is the evidence?
25) Is there evidence for a collision 65 million years ago? Where on Earth was it found?