Test 3 Review: [Class Home Page]

Review for Test 3, November 19th, 2003

The exam covers Text book (Hartmann & Impey): Pages 157 - 226

For 35 Multiple Choice and 5 True/False Questions
1) Which are the Terrestrial Planets? Which are the Jovian (Gas Giant) Planets?
2) What does a star do that a planet does NOT. What does crater number tell us?
3) What's unique about Mercury? Density? Mag Field? Craters? What are lobate scarps?
4) What is the geological history of Mercury? What missions have gone to Mercury?
5) Why is Venus an 'evil' twin of Earth? How do their size, geology compare?
6) Contrast Venus's atmosphere to Earth's. What kind of clouds? Why the high T?
7) Contrast Venus and Earth's: Carbon & Water Abundance (where is it in each planet?)
8) What missions have gone to Venus? What is the surface like? Know greenhouse effect.
9) Why is Venus's fate (run away greenhouse) important to Earth? Will it happen here?
10) Why is radar important for orbital Venus missions? What geo-surface features are seen?
11) Is their tectonics? How old is the surface? How do we know this? What happened?
12) What is needed for a global magnetic field on a planet? Which planets have one?
13) Why does mass/size of a planet affect geologic activity? Presence of an atmosphere?
14) How is Mars and Earth similar? different? Contrast the planets' atmospheres.
15) What did Viking find out? What evidences indicate we still should look for life?
16) Is the Mars surface active today? Know the geological features and the likely history.
17) What's the story on Mars' water? Where is it? Can liquid exist on the surface? Did it?
18) With many Mars missions, what have they told us? How else do we know about Mars?
19) What's interesting about Mars' moons, Phobos and Deimos? What is their fate?
20) How did the Gas Giants form? Why so big? Why do they have rings? What is Roche Limit?
21) Why can't Jupiter become a star? Why is Jupiter/Saturn chemistry similar to the Suns?
22) Why does Jupiter have a mag field? What's the Great Red Spot? How old is it?
23) What are belts and zones? Which planets show these? What causes their formation?
24) Why is Saturn squashed? What is its density? What are the rings made up of?
25) Know the Galilean Moons, their order, and their composition. How did they come to be?
26) What is unusual about Io? About Europa? Why are they geologically active?
27) What is unusual about Titan? What is its composition? What do shepherd moons do?