Test 2 Review: [Class Home Page]

Review for Test 2, October 31st, 2003

The exam covers Text book (Hartmann & Impey): Pages 68 - 154

For 35 Multiple Choice and 5 True/False Questions
1) How did Newton prove the inverse square law for gravity using the Moon?
2) How did Newton first explain satellite orbits? What is escape velocity?
3) How is that rockets are placed into space? Which of Newton's laws is applied?
4) What where the first rockets? First satellite? First man in space?
5) What was the purpose of NASA? Project Mercury? Project Apollo?
6) Which color has the highest energy photons? What kind of light can humans detect?
7) How are wavelength and frequency related? How are they related to photon energy?
8) Know Wien's Law and Stefan-Boltzmann Law, ex. 'A hotter body radiates..'
9) Know atomic structure (nucleus, electrons). What happens when photons interact?
10) Excitation, de-excitation, ionization, recombination. Is photon coming or going?
11) Why are atomic (energy) transitions unique? What is the ground state?
12) Which forms of electromagnetic radiation pass through our atmosphere?
13) What is the object lens(mirror)? What is its purpose? What does it determine?
14) What is the eye piece? What is its purpose? What does it determine?
15) Know difference between refracting, reflecting and Newtonian telescope designs.
16) What methods have been developed to allow very large telescopes to be built?
17) What kind of telescope is radio telescope? Why do we build them large? (2 reasons)
18) What is the purpose for building space telescopes? What are the drawbacks?
19) What is radioiosotopic dating? Who did it first? How does it work?
20) What is a half-life? What is a parent isotope? What is a daughter isotope?
21) Know the interior layers of the Earth, approx chemistry--solid/liquid/plastic?
22) What are P-waves? S-waves? How do they differ in the media they travel through?
23) Why do we have a magnetic field? Will we have a magnetic field forever on Earth?
24) Why does the mantle convect? What affect does this have on the Earth's crust?
25) What is plate tectonics? What is the evidence that it is occurring today?
26) What is the evidence of a super continent (Pangaea)? When did it exist?
27) Where did our first atmosphere come from? How and why did it change?
28) What is Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect? What caused the Ozone hole?
29) Understand Phases of the Moon. Know orientation for New, Full, Quarter, Gibbous.
30) Why do we see Tides? What effect on Earth? On Earth Moon Rotation and orbits?
31) What is Synchronous Rotation? What caused the Moon's Craters ? What are maria?
32) What can we tell about crater rates from the Moons Craters we can't tell from Earth's?
33) What kind of rocks exist on the Moon? How are they different than Earth rocks?
34) What is the Moon's interior like? How do we know? How did the Moon come about?