Dr. Epstein's Home

Welcome to Dr. Epstein's Home Page

Here is just short description of my teaching objectives in English Studies, of the things that I think are important to my teaching in Humanities, Media and Cultural Studies

Dr. Epstein's Educational Background
PH.D. English Literature of the 20th Century, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
M.A. Creative Writing,The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
B.A. English, Capital University, Columbus, OH

Dr. Epstein's Teaching Philosophy:
I believe that learning is a life-long process by which we discover and rediscover ourselves and the world. I want to students to be empowered by the choices that knowledge produces, especially that of language. For this reason, I look for a variety of opportunities in which we read, think, create, and analyze. I attempt to provide a conducive environment for students to speak to and ask questions from me, their peers, and themselves.I try to structure assignments that will help to integrate the above concepts in both general and specific terms.

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